
The focus of this policy note is to articulate the design and  development of the monitoring, evaluation and learning  (MEL) policy in support of the role of the Information  Systems and Data Management Unit (ISDMU) under the  Division of Planning, Research and Development at the  CDOE. It highlights a systematic process of obtaining,  processing and utilizing data gathered from educational  policies, projects and programs before, during and after  implementation to assess how an intervention evolves over  time, the effectiveness of the intervention and whether there  are gaps between the planned and achieved outcomes,  including whether the impact is exclusively due to the  intervention.1 Overall, the nature of this MEL policy  combines monitoring, evaluation and learning into one  integrated structure. Essentially, the MEL will be instrumental in fine tuning policies/programs/projects  outcomes to meet intended benefits for beneficiaries of  these initiatives towards securing improved outcomes.


The MEL policy shall apply to all educational policies,  programs, projects and related initiatives. The ISDMU, under the Division of Planning, Research and  Development is tasked to give guidance on how to  interpret the policy and its application to all CDOE  partners.

Development and design

The development of the MEL instrument is part of the  CDOE initiative in attempting to improve its operations and  intervention processes in order to deliver planned outcomes  efficiently and effectively. The design of the MEL  framework sets a clear plan on how a project is monitored  and evaluated. Specifically, the drafted MEL instrument is  envisioned to guide programs, projects and policies on how  to collect data to track indicators, how monitoring data will  be analyzed, and how the results of data collection will be  disseminated to donors and internally among staff members  for program, project and policy improvement.

Theory of change

The CDOE ISDMU adheres to a causal/result chain (see  Figure 1 for the logical framework) that outlines how the  sequence of inputs, activities and outputs of an educational  policy/program/project will attain specific outcomes  (objectives), impact and gaps analysis. This in turn will  contribute to the achievement of the overall aim. A causal  chain maps: (i) inputs (financial, human and other resources);  (ii) activities (actions or work performed to translate inputs  into outputs); (iii) outputs (goods produced and services  delivered); (iv) outcomes (use of outputs by the target groups);  (v) impact (or final, long-term outcome of the intervention)  and (vi) knowledge sharing and application of best practices.

 Figure 1: Results chain/Logical Framework2

Risk assessment and management

n any project, all expected activities will involve risk that  could compromise the achievement of the objectives and  reduce impact, as COVID-19 pandemic showed. A Risk  Management matrix to identify possible risks, its associated  risk level and mitigating measures will be developed as part  of the compliance process. Essentially, the Risk  Management matrix will be used as a basis upon which the  CDOE through the ISDMU will develop specific risk assessment and management tools envisioned to be utilized  at the department and shared to its partners.


Capacity building

The best approaches in setting up a rigorous monitoring  and evaluation system for enhanced organizational  performance is building strong capability in our staff and  processes. This is covered by the MEL elements of: 

MEL Planning to ensure that effective management  of projects, programs and policies are followed  towards successful completion and for maximum  benefit. 

MEL Consultation and Communication is critical  to building mutual trust, transparency and  accountability for the successful delivery of activities  by those responsible. 

MEL Induction and Training is equally critical in  building knowledge, skills, values and attitude required to instill commitment towards fulfilling  project/program/policy objectives and outcomes  within a given time frame. 

To capacitate our staff, the CDOE will provide the  technical expertise and resources focused on measures of  effectiveness (e.g. 0 to 100%) and efficiency (input/output  rate), rather than activity/workload (amount). In essence,  the MEL indicators are instrumental in tracking the quality  of implementation progress over measuring the quantity of  activities. 

Specifically, a participatory approach will be adopted through asoos, the Chuukese (in)formal conversation  space to include personnel at the CDOE/ISDMU who will  be trained to carry out the following, in addition to emerging requirements:

 review the Integrated Plan (IP) and Strategic  Development Plan 2023-8 under the new MEL  tool; 

specify targets or standardized practices  including data management procedures for  monitoring and evaluation of projects, programs  and policies; 

develop a training needs analysis, plan and  deliver MEL training activities; 

comprehend, record, and clearly state the MEL performance goals of the CDOE/school; and to 

declare any gaps in the CDOE ability to achieve  MEL performance goals.


What are the implications for establishing a MEL policy? The  CDOE is committed to reviewing its policies and procedures  to ensure adoption of and adaptation to global best practices  in MEL profiles. In this light, the CDOE is making conscious  efforts in keeping up with contemporary tools and ensuring  legislative compliance relating to good governance. In  particular, the CDOE staff as well as school principals and  teachers will be provided with adequate support to track  progress, collect and submit data to the ISDMU for: 

regular and sporadic surveys, as well as reporting  and disseminating results. 

data analyses and record keeping as part of the  CDOE education management information  system (EMIS) procedures; 

disseminating usefulinformation with insight and  innovation to support decision making and create  value to improve operations at the CDOE and  partners including school systems; and  

ensuring that data quality is maintained and  enhanced across disparate data sources in  addition to leading the development of any data oriented guidance.



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